Business Breakfast at the Mall of America
We were so blessed to work closely with our friends at Mall of America to host a Business Networking Breakfast with Beyond the Yellow Ribbon companies and others to learn
We were so blessed to work closely with our friends at Mall of America to host a Business Networking Breakfast with Beyond the Yellow Ribbon companies and others to learn
The Legislature has approved a $350,000 funding request for the future Bloomington Veterans Memorial. The funding is part of the 2023 infrastructure package. This is a monumental step forward for
Continue readingIncredible support from the State of Minnesota!
Breaking News! We are thrilled to officially share that Luther Automotive has provided the future Bloomington Veterans Memorial the most generous business gift to date! Thank you to local Luther
Continue readingLuther Automotive and Bloomington Dealerships give $50,000
Be sure to read the FRONT PAGE story in this week’s Sun Current Newspapers about our State Bonding request for the future Bloomington Veterans Memorial. Thank you to the our
Continue readingMemorial makes Front Page News in the Bloomington Sun Current
We had a wonderful time meeting dedicated block captains across our city and sharing the Veterans Memorial project. Many took information to bring back to their neighbors. If you know
Continue readingBloomington Remembers Veterans attends annual Block Captain Meeting
We have GREAT NEWS to share! Bills have been brought forward in both the MN House and MN Senate requesting financial bonding support for the future Bloomington Veterans Memorial. This
Continue readingState Bonding Bills authored for the Veterans Memorial
Mike Dardis, President and Duane Brinkman, Treasurer, of Bloomington Remember Veterans provided a project update at the January 9, 2023 Bloomington City Council Meeting to Mayor Busse, members of the
Looking for a gift idea for a special veteran this holiday season? You can know give the gift of honor and remembrance by adding a veteran’s name to the future
Continue readingMemorial launches a special gift program in time for the holidays!
It’s Give to the Max Day, and we need your help! The future Bloomington Veterans Memorial is counting on donations from the community to build a beautiful, fitting tribute to
In honor of Veterans Day, the future Bloomington Veterans Memorial and local combat artist, Les Fordahl were featured in the latest edition of the Bloomington Sun Current. Les also serves
Continue readingSun Current features local combat artist, Les Fordahl